First stop in Philippines was Iloilo, where I heard there was a carnival festival like happening and where I would meet a friend who was travelling in Philippines as well. I was a bit scared about the whole idea of a big festival in Philippines as I have heard from other travellers that Philippines were a dangerous place.  The city was packed; the festival went on for 2 days with music, dance and food on the street. I couldn’t be more wrong about safety, people were very smiley and gentle, the costumes were colourful and the dancers were very pleased to pose for photographs, I felt very safe the all the time I were in the street.

“Primeira parada em Filipinas foi Iloilo, onde acontecia um festival no estilo carnaval e onde eu encontraria uma amiga que estaria viajando por aqui. Eu estava um puco preocupada com a ideia de festival na Filipinas pois ouvi de outros viajantes que Filipinas era uma local perigoso. A cidade estava lotada; o festival durou 2 dias com musica, danca e comida na rua. E Eu nao podia esta mais errada a respeito de seguranca, as pessoas sempre sorrindo e muito gentis, as fantasias super coloridas e os dancarinos contentes em posar para fotografia, me senti muito segura  todo o tempo que estive na rua.”

Iloilo festival   Iloilo festival
Iloilo festival
Iloilo festival
Iloilo festival
Iloilo festival

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